Effective asanas for PCOS😊

In this post we are going to discuss about the yoga asanas to manage PCOS. PCOS is a common condition where it affects the hormones in women. By following the below asanas, one can improve the symptoms of PCOS. Let's get into the topic.

1. Balasana

Balasana is also known as child pose. The purpose of this yoga is to stimulate digestions. This asana is helpful to ease back and neck pain. This pose gives the immense relaxation and reduces the stress and anxiety.

2. Badha Konasana

Badha Konasana is also known as Butterfly pose. This pose helps to increase the flexibility in hip region since it is a good stretch for thighs, knees, hips and groin region. It removes fatigue cause by long hour standing and also improves in bowel movement.


Naukasana is also known as half boat pose. This asana helps to strengthen the abdomen and hip flexor muscles. Naukasana is undoubtedly good for the overall strength which stimulates the reproductive and digestive organs.

4. Bhujangasan

Bhujangasana is also known as cobra pose. This asana stimulates appetite and eliminates constipation. Not only that, it also stimulates the liver, pancreas and helps in digestion. This cobra pose is blessing for people who wish to have a fat free tummy. Apart from this benefits, it also keeps the spine very flexible.

5. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana is also known as half-spinal twist pose. This half-spinal twist  increases the spine flexibility and also good for overall health of spine. By practicing this pose, it helps in massaging the superficial muscles. Another most important benefit of this pose is it helps in realigning the spinal nerves that was displaced due to incorrect posture, poor sitting habits.

As you know only yoga cannot cure pcos but definitely manages the symptoms. This yoga is most efficient when you follow healthy lifestyle along with it. Thank you so much!


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