How to improve upper body flexibility?

In this blog post we are going to discuss about the yoga's which helps us in upper body flexibility. The upper body flexibility yoga not only sculpts but also tones the upper body muscles. By following the below yoga's one can burn around 100 calories. Let's see them one by one.

1.Standing Prayer Pose 

Sthitaprarthanasana is also known as Standing prayer pose. This pose helps in correcting one's posture and also good for balance. one should avoid this pose if they suffer from vertigo.

2.Angle Pose

Konasana is also known as angle pose. This pose helps to stretch the lateral side of body and also  the spine. This yoga can be practiced to reduce the back pain, massages the organs like stomach and spleen. This Angle pose results in increased flexibility of spine. The person who suffer from spinal issues, cardiac problems, vertigo, back pain and hypertension should avoid this pose.

3.Standing Wheel Pose

Chakrasana is also called as standing wheel pose. The main purpose of this pose is to exercise the spine posteriorly and anteriorly. This leads to increase flexibility of posterior muscles and also massage the internal organs. One should avoid practicing the standing wheel pose if they suffer from spinal problems, high blood pressure and vertigo.



4.Eagle Pose

Garudasana is also called as eagle pose. This pose helps with flexibility of  shoulders, hips, arms and legs and also improves the sense of balance and neuro muscular coordination. The person who suffers from vertigo, cardiac issues, back pain, shoulder pain should avoid this yoga.

5.Traingle Pose

Trikonasana is also called as triangle pose. This posture exercises muscles of the spine and neck. This improves with flexibility of the waist and hamstrings. It also corrects the faulty postures and tones the abdominal wall. The person who suffers from abdominal inflammation and spinal problems should avoid this pose.


6.Mountain Pose

Parvatasana is also called as mountain pose. It helps in stretching all the abdominal and pelvic muscles. It helps in straightening the muscles of the back. This mountain pose should be avoided by people who suffers from cardiac problems.

7.Half Plough Pose

Ardha Halasana is also called as half plough pose. This stimulates the abdominal organs and also reduces the fat from abdomen. It helps in strengthening the legs and pelvic muscles. This postures helps in improving the digestion and also improves the blood circulation. The person who suffers from high blood pressure, cardiac condition and acute back pain should avoid practicing this yoga.

These are the some of  simple yoga poses to practice in order to increase the flexibility of upper body.   Try these yoga poses for yourself and observe the physical and mental wellbeing. Thank you so much!!


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