Daily routines to follow for healthy and happy life
In this post, we are going to discuss about the tiny healthy habits to be followed on daily basis for achieving healthy lifestyle. 1.Get sun daily Sunshine plays a vital role in human health and well being. Getting soaked in sun at least 10 minutes daily is helpful in maintaining bones and also increases the immune system. Human bodies observes the vitamin D when we get exposed in sun which results in maintaining calcium in body. Apart from that, it helps in reducing stress, depression and improves the sleep. 2.Meditation Meditation is one of the simple process which helps in achieving the peace and relieves us from stress. Meditation helps to eliminate the information overloaded in our mind and focuses the present. By practicing the meditation , the balance is achieved which benefits both physically and emotionally. 3. Drink plenty of water Drinking water before anything else hydrates and prepares your body. The fluid in body is very important to maintain the digestion, tem...